COLOUR and texture in the garden is the illustrated talk Duncan Coombs will be giving to Castlemorton Gardening Club on May 19 at 7.45pm at Castlemorton Parish Hall.

Duncan is a lecturer in amenity horticulture at Pershore College and regularly lectures for the RHS and arranges trips to such places as Chelsea and Hampton Court flower shows. All are welcome. Entrance £1, visitors £2. There will be a short annual meeting starting at 7.30pm before the talk, come if you can.

Thanks to those who supported the recent jumble sale, raising over £325 towards the maintenance of St Gregory's Church. Thanks also to jumble contributors, as most bric-a-brac was sold by the end of the afternoon.

Plans are now underway for the open garden weekend on Saturday and Sunday, June 25-26 from 2-5pm.