RESIDENTS are furious over plans for a major housing development on a nationally-important Roman site.

The scheme for about 70 homes, with up to 85 per cent affordable housing, is set for land which is currently a paddock , just north of Halfkey Road, Malvern.

But Malvern Hills District Council has been flooded with objections from more than 200 residents, including three petitions.

Protesters say it is not needed as the proposed 600 home development at the nearby North Site would meet demand. They also raised concerns that Halfkey Road is too narrow, and nearby schools and surgeries are full.

The county's archaeology service said the site is in an area associated with a nationally important Roman ceramic production industry and an evaluation should be done to see if there are any remains. Malvern Civic Society and the Council for the Protection of Rural England also objected.

"I don't want my beautiful view taken - there's enough brownfield sites in the town with the north site and I can't imagine why they would do this," said Valerie Haw, of Halfkey Road - who has lived there since 1979.

Margaret Clay, of Halfkey Road, said: "They're encroaching on our countryside and must be stopped.

"When residents open their curtains in the morning they look out to see cows grazing and they'll be looking onto an estate- it's just not on," Ms Clay added.

Arthur Gladstone, of Sandpiper Close, moved there in 1985 because of the picturesque area which is in danger of being spoilt. "They're just trying to jump the gun before all the furore starts with the North Site."

Planners are recommending the scheme is refused as it would constitute a visual intrusion on the landscape. The decision on the scheme is due at a meeting in Priory Lodge Hall, Avenue Road, Malvern at 7pm on Wednesday, May 18.