A TRIO of young golfers from a Malvern school have swung their way into the final of a regional competition.

James Kear, Daniel Long, both aged 15, and 14-year-old Phil Harris attend the Chase Technology College in Geraldine Avenue. Their team finished with a total of 82 points in the British Heart Foundation's junior golf championship.

The competition was held at Tewkesbury Park Golf and Country Club and their win was by five clear shots, with their scores achieved in poor playing conditions with strong winds and rain throughout the round.

They were one of 11 scoring teams and the boys all played to, or better than their handicaps to win the first round event.

"Their all-round play was excellent but this was due in a large way to their preparation, all had played the course recently and had been practising hard at their own course," said their master in charge Richard Williams.

The trio will now play the regional finals on Monday, July 11, at Edgbaston Golf Club in Birmingham.