IRATE residents say covenants protecting their open plan estate at Colletts Green, near Worcester, will be proved worthless if a garden structure is allowed to stay.

But Malvern Hills planning officers said the building, at 14 Colletts Green, did not break any planning regulations and now Powick parish councillors have told them the matter is out of their hands.

According to a written explanation from MHDC, the building in question counted as a garage conversion under planning law, although a detached brick garage had been demolished and replaced with a larger building of rendered blocks, providing a living room, bedroom and shower room.

"I think this is a whitewash," said John Mason, a Colletts Green resident and parish councillor.

"If Malvern Hills District Council does not have any authority to enforce the legal covenant, then it is not worth the paper it is written on."

Under the covenants, imposed by the former Upton Rural District Council 40 years ago, owners could not put any building on their property or plant any trees or shrubs that might obstruct the view, said Mr Mason.

"At 14, Colletts Green Road they have built a new construction and planted a row of leylandii, right against the pavement all along the verge. They have now put in a permanent fence, enclosing what was designated as open green space.

"If this is allowed, then it will be a free for all."

Also worried about covenant breaches was William Glaze, whose home at 1 The Drive is closest to the controversial building.

He and other worried neighbours were told that the parish council could not give legal advice and were advised to consult CAB.

Afterwards, owner Jenny Hill, of 14 Colletts Green Road, declined to comment on the matter.

"It is in the hands of the MHDC legal department," she said.