A SENIOR councillor has blamed the 'petty spitefulness' of some of his colleagues for his removal from a top post.

Labour's Roy Seabourne was replaced by Conservative Andrew Dyke as vice-chairman of the overview and scrutiny committee at Tuesday's annual meeting of Wychavon District Council.

He blamed resentment over his support for the restoration of the town's Lido and the election results for his removal.

"I believe I was sacked as an act of petty spitefulness by my Droitwich colleagues following the disappointing result for the Conservative Party in Droitwich in the county council elections," he said.

"I was also told by the leader of the council, Martin Jennings, that the Conservative administration could no longer support me as vice-chairman of the committee because of my support for the Lido. I think they were looking for a way to punish me."

The 73-year-old plans to remain an active member of the committee.

"I feel disappointed because I've enjoyed helping to establish the overview and scrutiny committee and I believe I've carried out the role in a fair way. Therefore I saw no reason not to carry on," he said.

Mr Jennings defended the decision and said: "He was not dismissed. A vote came up and the position was filled."

He said the new appointment was nothing 'in principle' to do with Coun Seabourne's support for the Lido restoration project.

"Roy Seabourne has performed his duties as vice-chairman mainly impeccably," he added.