With reference to last week's letter from David Tarplett, as he finds the Malvern Hills Conservators a 'ridiculously constituted body', I find his idea of a dog-free area on the hills also ridiculous. The notion that British Camp should not host dogs is frankly a plan worthy of the Monster Raving Looney Party.

He states he wants "an area to be free from the constant nuisance and filth of these animals" - well excuse me! Do not tar us all with the same brush as the minority of owners. What about the constant filth of the sheep and cows; the litter left by tourism (including their pets); the fear of being run over by over-zealous cyclists, etc, etc.

We already have to suffer several no-go areas for walkers and dogs with the fenced-in cows and sheep. I was recently faced with cows that had escaped their 'home', not a welcoming sight, but now our dogs have to stay on their leads in those parts.

Gone are the days of walking the hills where and when we want, free to clear the mind and lungs after the working day. The hills are for all and, with our yearly financial contribution, I hope the Conservators keep it that way.

Ian Hollman, Benbow Close, Malvern Wells.