After putting out the rubbish on Tuesday night for the bin-men on Wednesday morning, I find that they left certain bags outside our home. On looking at the bags, we discover they had opened some bags, taken what they wanted to take and just left the rest there, with a note saying that it will cost us £1 per green bag to take this away.

One pound per bag, since when did they go up in price? They were only 50p not so long ago and why go through our rubbish only to take what they want to take? I ask you, how can you justify £1 per green bag, they are no good at the best of times as they are so thin.

When we do put the garden rubbish in green bags, they still will not take them as it is not in their green bags, so where do we go from here?

As we do half the job for them, as in separating the cans from the plastics and washing them, then putting them in their particular bags, what's next? We put the bags in the back of the lorry for them!

There was a time when they actually came into your garden, picked up the rubbish bins and did the whole job for you, but now we are doing it for them and they still moan and complain.

We all see our Council Tax go up and up for this kind of service but we are doing the job for them.

Sandra Charlton, Highfields, Callow End.