NEW Labour's real success is that with only 36 per cent of the vote, it has acquired a massive, though reduced, majority. How do the rest of the voters feel about this? Why were the three main parties given so much boring media coverage and the Greens and UKIP treated as if they didn't exist?

The main issues on which the election was fought were immigration, NHS and education. The really vital issues - the impending environmental disaster and the coming energy crisis were not touched on. This won't affect you and me, but don't we care a damn for our children and grandchildren?

New Labour is the party that connived with the EU to create a situation where twenty one thousand million pounds worth of food is thrown away, two-thirds of what is available in this country every year, while many people in the world are starving.

Years ago when Ghandi was asked "What do you think about democracy in Britain?" he replied "I think it would be a good idea." So do many of us! Isn't it time we had some form of proportional representation?