Villagers in Cradley are losing the only direct bus service to Malvern, their nearest town.

Herefordshire Council is cutting the weekly 480 bus from Leominster to Malvern from July 21. The service runs every Thursday, stopping at Bromyard, Cradley and Leigh Sinton.

At a meeting on Tuesday, Cradley parish councillors were alarmed that the village was losing a vital service. They said a bus had been running between Cradley and Malvern for 30 years.

Coun Sally Ramsden said: "It's not just a question of people going shopping, it's visits to the dentist and other vital things."

She said parish councils on the route of the bus should have been consulted.

Coun Michael Allfrey said the service was well used in Cradley and it should continue to run between the village, Leigh Sinton and Malvern.

The council agreed to write to Herefordshire Council making its feelings known.

Jim Davies, Herefordshire Council public transport manager, said Government funding which secured the 480 service had dried up. The one-off payment was awarded two years ago to help improve rural transport links.

"As a result of that funding ending, we have had to re-evaluate the bus services provided across the whole county," said Mr Davies.

He said Cradley benefited from daily bus links to Worcester and Ledbury and a weekly service to Hereford. Keeping the 480 service could leave other villages with no bus service at all, he added.

Other business discussed by the parish council meeting included the withdrawal of former council clerk Pat Courtney's employment tribunal claim for constructive dismissal.

Steve Moon, the council's lawyer for the tribunal, answered questions and was thanked for working without charge.

In public question time, Stephen Ramsden, husband of parish councillor Sally Ramsden, called for the resignation of Michael Allfrey, who gave evidence against the council at the tribunal. Councillors did not pursue the matter.