CRADLEY'S Martin McAleese is urging veterans not to lose the chance of a lottery-assisted visit to the places they served in the Second World War.

Mr McAleese authorises grants for the Big Lottery Fund's Heroes Return scheme, which will close to new applicants on May 31.

"The more veterans who take advantage of this scheme, the happier I'll be," he said.

Since 2004, the scheme has given around £11.8 million to more than 30,000 veterans and their families.

A former army officer, Mr McAleese got the job after spotting an advert in an Officers' Association publication.

"I talk to the veterans and sign the money away. It's wonderful," he said.

The job can be quite emotional. On one occasion, a 97-year-old veteran was so excited about his impending visit that he had a heart attack. Mr McAleese persuaded the man's widow to make the trip in his memory.

"I've had some big lumps in my throat over the past 14 months," he said.

Among the memorable trips Mr McAleese has organised include sending a wheelchair-bound veteran back to the Belgian village where his unit played football against a local side on liberation in 1945. The man was guest of honour at a memorial match.

Veterans, who must have served between September 3, 1939 and September 2, 1945, can get an application pack on 08454 102030. They must travel by December 31.