Sir Michael Spicer is hoping to follow up his election victory in West Worcestershire by retaining a key role in the Conservative Party.

Sir Michael, who beat off a strong Liberal Democrat challenge to notch up his ninth term in the seat, is standing again for the chairmanship of the backbench 1922 Committee.

If successful, he will be instrumental in organising the election of a new party leader, to replace Michael Howard.

"It's a big challenge and would be my constitutional duty to take on," he said. "No-one has stood against me as chairman as yet, so I'm hopeful of being re-elected."

Though he could not reveal any contenders for the leadership, he felt positive of the party's future.

"I think the Labour government will run into problems with the economy, which will affect them.

"There's a lot of quarrelling within the government, which I think will improve the Conser-vative position."

Sir Michael said in the constituency, the focus is on the campaign for a new Malvern hospital.

"It really is time for decisions to be taken," he said. "We still haven't got a proper proposal in front of us, only a general idea.

"Now all the politics is over, we all need to work together on this."

result: Sir Michael Spicer (Con), 20,959; Tom Wells (Lib Dem), 18,484; Qamar Bhatti (Lab), 4,945; Caroline Bovey (UKIP), 1,590; Malcolm Victory (Green), 1,099. Turnout: 71.12 per cent. Majority - 2,475. Malcolm Victory and Caroline Bovey lose deposits.