KIDDERMINSTER Harriers' future is shrouded in more uncertainty after the latest statement from majority shareholder Lionel Newton.

The former chairman said he is yet to receive a written bid for the cash-strapped, relegated Conference club and has extended his sale deadline by at least another two weeks.

It is bad news for boss Stuart Watkiss who seems to have both hands tied behind his back in making early signings for the next campaign.

Newton has given a Hampshire consortium led by former Farnborough chairman Ron Higgins, believed to be a multi-millionaire, more time to check over the Aggborough club and their financial affairs.

And he has built them up as "the Abramoviches of the Conference", despite their controversial time at Farnborough who were relegated from the division and reportedly had problems paying players.

But Newton will not be doing business with Colin Youngjohns' Kidderminster group while ex-Harriers chief Dave Reynolds is involved and has poured scorn on their alleged verbal £450,000 offer.

There is bad blood between the Welshman, who is selling his shares for £1 but wants at least £400,000 invested in the club, and Reynolds since the late 1990s.

Newton said: "Their offer was up to a maximum of £250,000 and their main backer was Dave Reynolds. As long as he is involved there's no way I'll sell to them."