ROBIN Jackson ended his year as Eggs golf society captain in style with a brilliant 90-minute speech at the annual end of season dinner.

With Jackson presenting awards to every single player, it was never going to be a short ceremony, but the prizes were individually selected and the entertainment level was high.

Jackson handed the captaincy over to Stacey Cole, who's acceptance speech also provided much amusement. Stacey will be the fourth Eggs captain, following in the footsteps of Stuart Summers, Duncan McKerracher and Robin Jackson.

At the superb Worcestershire Golf Club, the speeches rounded off a black-tie evening during which the society were treated wonderfully by the excellent staff.

A year packed with eight sponsored events, an Egg Ryder Cup, a tour to Okehampton and a captain's charity day have made this year the busiest to date during which the organisation has been spot-on. Credit for this has to go to secretary Phil Smalley, who also takes on the role of vice-captain this year.

During Robin's year as captain, Andy McCabe has stood out as the year's best golfer, winning four of the eight competition days. He retained his Egg of the Year title, with Steve Philpotts coming a close second again.

Phil Birch took the matchplay award in a hard-fought competition, beating Steve Hill in the final with both players seeing off some tough opposition along the way.

The National Lymphoma Association was once again the chosen captain's charity and over £4,600 was raised throughout the year. Many thanks to Annie Jackson for her efforts and unlimited patience.

With the next Eggs event fast approaching, players are reminded to ensure they are signed up for next season, starting with the Bilko Brookes Shield tomorrow (Saturday).

Anyone wishing to join Eggs can call Phil Smalley on 07834187939.