I WOULD like to take this opportunity to offer my sincere thanks to all those who voted for my re-election as MP for Worcester.

As I said at the election count, the thrill, excitement and sense of privilege that I feel now is as strong as it was when first elected in 1997. To be elected by fellow residents of Worcester, to represent them in Parliament is an honour and one that I never forget.

The election campaign teaches politicians, of all sides, lessons. I have learnt many again in this campaign, and I can assure my constituents that I intend to act upon those lessons. I am also conscious that elections do divide communities, especially in keenly fought seats like Worcester. So let me also make clear, my intention is, as ever, to represent the whole of the City regardless of how people may have voted last week.

Once again, thank you to the people of Worcester.

Michael Foster MP for Worcester

THE first thing I must do as I settle back behind my desk in the House of Commons is to thank my constituents for the very great privilege of being returned once again as your Member of Parliament.

The election campaign in Mid-Worcestershire was conducted in an excellent spirit and my thanks go the other candidates too for that.

Now my work begins once again - work to ensure that our county and our communities get the services that they deserve. Their will be a lot to do, and I am very grateful for being given the chance to do it. Thank you very much indeed.

Peter Luff

MP for Mid-Worcestershire

MAY I use your columns to thanks all those people who voted Green in last Thursday's elections. In the County Council elections, more than 10,000 people voted Green in Worcestershire, our best result to date.

Here in Worcester, we saw an increase in our vote of more than 60 per cent on our score in last year's European election. We polled 3,318 votes, and were particularly pleased with the 17.5 per cent scored by James Roberts in Rainbow Hill.

These results are excellent. We're seeing solid support for the Greens, which is steadily increasing. We've been a longstanding presence in Malvern Hills, and that is reflected in our strong vote there. But what is really marvellous is our vote in Worcester city, where the local party was only launched 16 months ago. We've increased our vote massively on last June's election result, and we'll now be campaigning on local issues and working hard to build still further on this.

The Green Party has been a distinctive voice in Worcestershire in these elections - the only Party committed to a 'zero-waste'' strategy for our county, and to a modern, properly-funded public transport system here.

Our policies for a sustainable future are clearly striking a chord with local people, and that's reflected in this vote.

Chris Lennard

Co-ordinator, Worcestershire Green Party

I WOULD like to thank everyone in Worcester who voted Conservative in the General Election on Thursday, May 5.

It was a great privilege to represent the Conservatives in Worcester at the General Election and it would have been a great honour to stand up for Worcester in Westminster.

I really enjoyed meeting so many people across the city, especially those who gave me such a warm reception. The result demonstrates support for the Conservatives is increasing in Worcester. The Labour majority was slashed to just over 3,000 and Conservatives achieved a 3.2 per cent swing from Labour.

This puts us in a strong position win back Worcester at the next General Election.

Margaret Harper

WE would like to thank all those who made a positive choice and voted Green in the General Election.

Your votes indicate a real concern for our children's future. We know of many more who would vote Green if there was a proportional system.

We believe that the main issues we campaigned on during the election, particularly climate change, need to be addressed urgently and we welcome opportunities to work positively with anyone who shares our concerns.

Felicity Norman and Brian Lunt

Herefordshire Green Party

PLEASE convey my appreciation to all those who supported myself and the UK Independence Party in the recent election.

It was a wonderful effort in which we increased our share of the vote to 4.35 per cent from 2.7 per cent in 2001. This shows we are heading in the right direction and gaining more support. A special big thank you to a small team who gave so much time and effort to our campaign.

Tony Eaves,

UKIP, Mid-Worcester Branch

I WAS disappointed at my failure to retain my Claines County Council seat but my best wishes go to my successor and other new County Councillors.

I enjoyed the successes of my period of office and the support I received from many Claines residents.

I am indebted to Audrey Sidwell and the 'Councillor Support Team' and Julien Kramer (director of education) for their unbiased help.

I am also deeply grateful for influence exerted by the offices and young people of the County Youth Service and for the guidance of my friend, colleague and mentor June Longmuir.

I hope the new team can maintain the progress of the last four years, that the new Councillors honour their election promises and that local government is put first and politics a very distant second.

Andy Roberts,

Claines Conservatives