Malvern's Theatre of Small Convenience will play a key role in a new international puppet festival.

The tiny 12-seat theatre is one of the main venues for the event, which will bring together leading names in puppetry from as far afield as Canada, Hungary, Hong Kong and Portugal.

The festival runs from May 23 to June 12, with the Theatre of Small Convenience welcoming Hungarian puppeteer Andrs Lnrt on Wednesday, June 8.

He will perform Stop, a 10-minute sequence set to music, featuring a six-inch tall ballerina, mermaid and clown puppets.

The theatre's proprietor, Dennis Neale, will also perform his own show, Quackery Codswallop 3, at the festival's base, the Mac Centre in Birmingham, on May 24 and June 10-11.

The tale, performed previously in Malvern and recently updated, features Captain Stradi, the Queen of Arts and a quest for unsuitable shows and actors at sea. New characters include the Deep Sea Diva, the Three Tenners and Clawed Discord, the lobster organist.

"I'm really pleased to be involved in the festival," said Mr Neale. "It's the first time the theatre has been used as a venue for other puppeteers, it's very exciting.

"It's also a development for me, I'm used to playing in village halls, so to perform at an international festival is great. It's nice to be noticed and appreciated."

Mr Neale said the festival might encourage more people to use the Edith Walk theatre as a venue.

Mr Neale is currently performing his five-minute show Quing at the theatre and will bring Quackery Coldswallop back from June 18. Entry is £1, with performances taking place on demand.

Other venues featured in the festival include Telford Shopping Centre and Sanders Park, Bromsgrove.