A WORCESTER college has been named among the top 20 per cent in the country.

Ofsted inspectors spent a week at Worcester College of Technology in January to assess its teaching and learning standards - and they left satisfied with every aspect.

All subject areas were noted as either good or satisfactory, with some close to the highest possible rank, outstanding, in the report released today.

No areas were substandard.

"We are in the top 20 per cent of further education colleges in the country , which is great for Worcester," said college principal Chris Morecroft.

"We are also pleased because this round of inspection is tougher than before."

It also praised the refurbishment of the college, which included a new study centre in September and is still on-going.

"The report pleased me as principal because it made mention of the good morale , with staff and students pleased to be here," said Mr Morecroft.

"Our goal now is to make good areas outstanding."

So far, £6m has been gathered for the refurbishment and Mr Morecroft is hoping to raise another £10m to make the college 'virtually brand new'.

"The college offers a wide and appropriate range of full-time and part-time courses at different levels in most curriculum areas," the report concluded.

The senior management team is meeting on Monday to discuss an action plan to deal with suggested improvements.

view from the top

THE chairman of governors at Worcester College of Technology praised the all-round performance of students and staff.

"It was pleasing that it was a good report across the whole college. There were no pockets of strength and weaknesses," said Eric Wiles.

"The college has been delivering for the last four years (since the last report) and it's nice to see it recognised. It's down to hard work and commitment of staff and students."

Mr Wiles also revealed the advantages of Ofsted visits.

"The inspection was an ideal opportunity to have external people come in and be a critical friend," he said.

"They have seen many other colleges and can give us ideas of best practice from elsewhere. It is also nice to have the chance to show what you can do and we did that well."

what the report praised

Good leadership and management

Good leadership and governance

The high quality of students' practical work

Effective strategies to improve retention rates

Good support and guidance for students

Well-planned programme for refurbishment and renewal of accommodation

Effective partnerships with external agencies and employers

Wide range of programmes for students with learning difficulties and disabilities

...and what needs to be improved

Workshops and other practical areas

Policy and practices for lesson observation

Low retention rates on some courses