STAFF and visitors at Croome Park near Pershore are set to celebrate and commemorate the 60th anniversary of VE day.

There will be wartime re-enactments from the Home Guard, the World War II Living History Association will be showing off a 'Dodge' weapons carrier, all alongside a variety of children's and craft-based activities at the event on Saturday, May 21, and Sunday, May 22.

During the Second World War, RAF Defford was located on the Croome Estate.

"The site was a hive of activity and a crucial element of the allied war effort," said the park's visitor services manager Wendy Carter

"It was here that pioneering work was undertaken on radar and up to 2,500 RAF men technicians, engineers and civilians worked at the site - one of the most closely guarded secrets of the war effort."

As part of the BBC People's War Campaign, the Worcester Comput@bus will be at the property helping visitors to record their memories of World War II directly on to the internet.

The Women in Rural Enterprise group will be taking a look at the role of and issues that affected women during the war and the RAF Defford Reunion Association will present an exhibition based on their time at Croome.

The Co-operative College is also providing information about rationing and fair trade, while on Sunday there will be a display of a Merlin engine that was excavated from a nearby crash site by a local archaeology group.

Traditional rural skills put to good use during the Second World War, including wooden lathe turning, peg making and willow hurdle making will be demonstrated by crafts people.

Croome Park will be open from 10am until 5.30pm.

For further information, call 01905 371006.