ONE of the world's leading violinists and best known Worcestershire men will be in concert with the Malvern-based English Symphony Orchestra this summer to raise funds for the Acorns Children's Hospice Trust.

The renowned violin virtuoso, West Malvern-based Nigel Kennedy, is to perform at the Centaur Centre, Cheltenham Racecourse, on Saturday, July 23, and at the Symphony Hall, Birmingham, on Sunday, July 24, on a brief tour in the UK.

Both concerts will include Elgar's Violin Concerto in B Minor Op 61 as well as Polish composer Emil Mlynarski's romantic masterpiece, the Concerto No 2 in D Major for Violin and Orchestra Op 16.

"These concerts are part of a major project by Nigel Kennedy to tour and record Mlynarski's Violin Concerti II from a brief and magical period in Polish history and will be conducted by compatriot Jacek Kaspszyk," said Alison King from the ESO.

"Mlynarski lived and worked in all the influential cities in the early part of the last century and he pioneered the Warsaw Philharmonic.

"He also persuaded Elgar to compose for the Polish nation. And while taking refuge in Moscow during the First World War, Mlynarski combined his experiences into this beautiful and emotional concerti reflecting his beloved homeland."

Miss King added that Elgar's impassioned Violin Concerto is one of the greatest of all and has always attracted the great virtuosi of their day.

"The concerto puts enormous physical, technical and musical demands on the soloist and we look forward to Nigel's passionate interpretation this summer," she said.

Acorns' director of fund-raising Stephanie O'Sullivan said the proceeds will make a real difference to local children and families who need the support of the hospice.

The Cheltenham concert will start at 8pm and tickets, priced £17.50 to £37.50, are available by calling 01386 791045 and online at The Birming ham concert starts at 8pm and tickets, priced £13.50 to £35, are available on 0121 7803333 or box office