A GROUP of residents from Worcester's YMCA have returned buoyed-up from a sailing trip of a lifetime in the North Sea.

The five from the centre, located in Henwick Road, St John's, left Ipswich on an Edwardian cruiser/racer and sailed a distance of approximately 120 miles around the coast of East Anglia.

Each member helped in the running and maintenance of the boat, including cooking, cleaning, putting up the sails and doing night watches. Two YMCA staff members joined them and a skipper and mate provided the sailing expertise.

The residents were selected for the five-day voyage as a reward for the progress that they have made while staying at the YMCA or for general good behaviour.

The experience is aimed at building self-confidence, self-esteem, a sense of responsibility, trust in others, motivation, self-discipline, communication skills, self-awareness and organisational skills.

"It was an experience that I will never forget.

"The trip really tests you in all areas," said 19-year-old Richard Stewart.

Fellow YMCA resident Colin Porter, aged 41, described it as a "fun-fuelled five-day sensory rollercoaster".

"Totally awesome. I'd love to do it again," he said.

The other voyagers were Sandra O'Brien, Mike Smith and Ben Fox and YMCA staffers Jess Buckley, who led the trip, and Nathan Hodgetts.

The trip, which took place from Monday, May 2, to Friday, May 6, was organised by The Cirdan Sailing Trust, which runs the expedition for disadvantaged young people.