A WOMAN who was thrown out of a top council post after a vote of no confidence has called for a full investigation into the actions of one of her former colleagues.

June Longmuir, forced to quit her job as schools chief for Worcestershire County Council earlier this year, has put in an official complaint about Councillor Peter Pinfield.

Coun Pinfield, former Labour group leader, hit the headlines last week when it was revealed he had been holding a 'politically restricted' role for five years.

His position at Dudley Social Services meant he should not have been serving on the local authority.

Now Ms Longmuir has asked the Standards Board for England to decide if he has acted illegally.

"I have nothing against Peter, and this has nothing to do with my own history," she told the Worcester News.

"I am very concerned about the whole business with Peter though. I have actually gone to the Standards Board because I'm afraid the people on the inside would, perhaps, be embarrassed to do it.

"We have just had a general election on the basis of the public being properly informed. I think the situation should be made quite clear."

The Standards Board will decide whether to carry out a full investigation and, if so, will announce the results.

"If we find there has been a breach of regulations, we will either refer the case to the local Standards Board, which can disqualify Coun Pinfield for three months, or to the Adjudication Panel of England, who can disqualify him for five years," said a spokesman.

Mr Pinfield, who is believed to have earned around £75,000 in allowances during the past five years, said he had not been well this week and was not up to dealing with any current issues.