YOUR editorial about democracy being alive and kicking in Britain today seemed like wishful thinking to my jaundiced eyes.

Only 27 per cent of those who bothered to vote in the General Election actually voted for New Labour - many of them because they imagine that once Tony Blair steps down they will at least get the Labour government promised in Labours' 1997 manifesto.

Membership of political parties has shrunk almost to nothing as ordinary voters realise that there's no point in joining anymore.

Surely the plain fact is that whatever our political parties claim to stand for and intend to do British Governments are rarely influenced in how they behave by pressures from Washington, Brussels, big business and the unelected Metropolitan elite that controls the information us voters receive through our newspapers radio and television sets.

A perfect example is Labour's 1997 promise to explore introducing proportional representation - yet another sidelined issue.

PR would transform our political lives and restore power to voters - and that's why in our 'democracy' there's absolutely no chance of it being introduced!

