THE join the party page on the Conservative Party website describes the Conservatives as the most open and democratic British Party. It promises joiners a vote for the party leaders.

Now we hear that Tony grandees want to take that vote away. We Conservatives can only be trusted to stuff envelopes, deliver leaflets and pay our subs, it seems.

The problems with giving only a tiny number of MP's the vote are: a) they vote for someone they are comfortable with b) this is 2005 and not 1505.

Personally, I am sick of the yah-boo nonsense at Prime Minister's Question Time.

I think many other people are too. But the MP's prefer a Michael Howard-style figure who excels at this rubbish.

During the election campaign I met many voters who were desperate for a positive alternative for a discredited and often detested Blair administration. Unfortunately, the MP's favourite candidate from last time didn't give it.

Not a good recommendation for allowing them to impose their choice again.

Relentless negativity does not make an alternative government.

A modern, relevant political party should have an open and modern way of electing its leader.

We should be widening the choice - not narrowing it. I hope and believe that Worcester Conservatives - indeed ordinary Conservatives everywhere will resist this attempt to steal our vote and treat the authors of the proposed crime with the contempt they deserve!

