A DOUBLE-decker bus hit the road to recruit more foster carers under the slogan: Help A Child Thrive In 2005.

Adults who look after children not living with their biological parents joined forces with Worcestershire County Council social workers to promote fostering fortnight on Friday.

Foster carers provide vulnerable children and young people with the care and support they need while they are temporarily unable to live at home with their families.

Curtis Fulcher from the county council's Fostering and Adoption Development Team, said: "We have got foster carers who are always keen to help out, but the idea is to recruit 25 more by the end of the year."

At the launch 25, yellow balloons were set off to symbolise the target.

He explained that the role of foster carer is a flexible one, and each period with a child, which range in age from the very young to teenagers, can last from a week to a year.

On board the bus, which will be touring the county, are social workers who can give advice and guidance about how to become foster parents, and what sort of service they will be offering. There are 84 foster carers in Worcester.

People interested in fostering can ring 0800 0282158 for more guidance and information, or contact the Fostering and Adoption Development Team by calling 01905 612428.