A CUSTOMER service centre has celebrated its first birthday with two records - smashing the 100,000 barrier and counting 1,012 customers in a single day - its highest-ever tally.

Yet despite the weight of numbers at the joint city and county council centre at Orchard House in Farrier Street, customers logged a 95 per cent satisfaction rating and nine out of 10 face-to-face queries have been resolved at the first point of contact.

Worcester Community Housing's recent decision to discontinue council tax collection is thought to have been a key factor in swelling the numbers of people coming though the door.

In the past few weeks, street cleansing, concessionary fares, school admissions, registration service, Trading Standards and disabled parking badges have all been added to the 17-strong team's expanding list of responsibilities.

These also includes housing and council tax benefits, revenues, cashiers, planning, building control, personnel, housing advice and homelessness, joint waiting list, car parking, election services, parks, refuse, bulky collections, abandoned vehicles, housing improvements, and street lighting.

Highways and environmental health and licensing are also set to be brought in-house over the next few months alongside a scheme to expand the telephone contact centre.

Barry McKenzie-Williams, the city's cabinet member with special responsibility for customer focus, said: "Already, the centre is serving to reinforce the reputation of the city as a progressive authority determined to serve the community in the most efficient way".

The centre can be accessed via www.cityof worcester.gov.uk and the Worcestershire Hub online www.whub.org.uk.

Residents can also e-mail the centre at customer services @cityofworcester.