A WORCESTER man who died after choking on a teabag at a social services day centre was the victim of a genuinely tragic accident, said a council spokesman.

Worcestershire County Council's social services department was criticised for ad hoc lines of communication by the county's assistant deputy coroner, Nigel Garbutt, at the inquest into the death of Richard Harris on Friday.

Mr Harris, who was in social services care, died after choking on a pyramid-shaped teabag at the Cherry Orchard Day Centre in December 2002.

In response to the criticism, the social services department said no one anticipated the accident.

"This has been a very traumatic time for staff, friends and colleagues of Richard, as he had built very close friendships during his 38 years at Worcester Day Opportunities" said a social services spokesman.

On Saturday, the Worcester News reported that Mr Harris had a compulsion to drink too much tea.

On the day of his death - the centre's Christmas Party - he had swallowed pyramid teabags like the ones used at the day centre.

Mr Garbutt gave the department 28 days to explain how procedures had been improved.

Mr Harris, from Bromyard Road, Worcester, had learning difficulties, and he helped out a gardener at the day centre.