PATIENTS, staff and visitors at Worcestershire Royal Hospital have been going quackers over 12 babies - but they're not in the maternity unit.

A duck has set up home in the courtyard outside the Rivercourt Restaurant and a dozen ducklings have now hatched.

Kindhearted staff - who say the new family have certainly not ruffled any feathers at the hospital - have been putting out food and water for them.

"They're lovely little things," said portering co-ordinator Tony Stead.

"We've been giving them three handfuls of duckling feed a day, and we've put out three water trays for them."

He revealed that this is not the first time that ducks have decided that the courtyard fits the bill as a place to raise their young.

"They came to stay last year, too," he said. "We think the mother chose this spot because there are no predators."

Mr Stead said the feathered family would be around for a few weeks until the youngsters could fly.

"But it will be sad to see them go, Everyone loves them," he added

Patient Gwendoline Nock said they had cheered up her stay.

"I have been coming down for a coffee just so I can see them," she said. "They're wonderful."

The RSPCA had been informed about the new arrivals.

A hospital spokesman confirmed that

No one from the RSPCA was available to comment as the Worcester News went to press.