WORCESTER is on the up - that's the message from the city council's leader in today's page two story.

Most of us have become

used to taking politicians' pronouncements with a large pinch of salt, but in this case it's

hard not to share Stephen Inman's optimism.

This is an exciting time to live in Worcester.

A number of developments promise to make this city richer, more vibrant and generally a better place to live than it has ever been before.

There's the expansion of University College Worcester into the former Royal Infirmary site in Castle Street.

There's the building of canalside apartments at Diglis basin.

There's news of a new business park on the old Ronkswood Hospital site.

There's also the chance that the long-derelict Tolladine Goods Yard could be put to some use.

These are exactly the kind of developments Worcester needs.

Instead of expanding ever outwards, eating up precious greenfield land with soulless housing estates and bland business parks, planners are making an effort to transform blighted land in the city itself.

These sites are eyesores now, but soon they will be bringing jobs, people, prosperity and culture to the very heart of Worcester.

If you think Worcester's a great place to live now, just wait to see what it's like in a few years.

And pity the poor souls who don't live here - but wish they did.