ELDERLY residents on a Droitwich estate are living in fear of youngsters who are knocking on doors and generally making a nuisance of themselves.

The children, aged mainly between nine and 13, are ringing doorbells in Chawson and then running away. The victims say they have also been sworn and shouted at.

The problem, which has been going on for years, has intensified in recent weeks.

"It is a big worry to the elderly," said Doris Bowdler, estate inspector for Spa Housing, which owns a lot of the houses on Chawson.

"They can't lead a normal life - they are on edge if they see children around.

"This has been going on for a couple of years, but it seems really bad at the moment."

Another resident, who did not want to be named, added: "Some people have had eggs thrown at their doors and some of the bigger kids swear at you."

The police have called on parents to help prevent their children from targeting the elderly.

"What may appear a bit of harmless fun is often annoying, frightening and sometimes even sinister to elderly people," said a spokesman.

"We would ask all parents of children aged between nine and 13, to raise issues with them, and urge them not to take part."

But residents feel the police and the council should be doing more.

"The parents should be doing their bit, but it is really up to the authorities," added Mrs Bowdler.

"Youngsters are acting anti-socially and the police should act accordingly. Also, the council should provide more facilities for them. There is nothing to do on the estate and little in Droitwich. If they weren't so bored they wouldn't cause so much trouble."

People can contact community support officer Keeley Hawkes on 08457 444888 with any problems.