A MAJOR initiative to help transform the lives of children in Worcester is being piloted by the Children's Society and the Church of England.

Running throughout May, Leaves of Life challenges five to 11-year-olds to unlock their creativity by asking them to imagine a better world for children to grow up in.

The initiative will ask them to celebrate the good things about their community and identify the barriers that prevent children from enjoying their life.

It will also give them an opportunity to highlight the changes they would make to improve life for themselves and children throughout the country. Developed jointly by the Children's Society and Diocesan Children's Work Advisers, Leaves of Life will challenge local clergy to encourage church children's group leaders, Brownies, Cubs and other community groups to take part.

Each group will be given a Leaves of Life resources pack - including a template prayer leaf for children to cut out and write their thoughts on as poems, prayers or pictures.

The Bishop of Worcester, the Rt Rev Peter Selby, said Leaves of Life aims to make these children's dreams a reality by creating a community where they can truly flourish.

"By joining forces with the Children's Society and the people of Worcester, we can make a real difference to their lives," he added.

"A better world for children is a better world for us all."

Celebration services will be held until the end of the month in churches throughout Worcester where children will present their leaves on a Tree of Life.

For more information about the Leaves of Life celebration services, contact your local church or the Children's Society's Supporter Action Line on 0845 300 1128.