THIS year's Worcestershire Women of the Year event will be headed by a remarkable person whose experiences were turned into a television drama.

Lady Marie Stubbs will speak at the awards luncheon which will be held at Madresfield Court, Malvern, on Wednesday, June 29.

Persuaded out of retirement at the age of 60, Lady Stubbs took on the position of headteacher at the London school where former headmaster Philip Lawrence was stabbed to death in 1995.

"Within 15 months, she turned a devastated and failing institution into a place of achievement and hope," said Women of the Year organiser Sonia Wolven.

"The papers hailed her achievement as a triumph over adversity and there was even a TV drama, starring Julie Walters, recounting the story of her success.

"We are delighted she has accepted to talk in front of local women who have also succeeded."

The Worcestershire Women of the Year Event, which is held every two years, aims to find the county's most worthy women.

There are three award categories in the event, which is now in its 15th year - Business, Achievement and Voluntary.

All nominees are now in and nine women, three in each category, will soon be shortlisted.

The winners will be announced at the luncheon, tickets to which cost £42, including a three-course meal, wine and coffee, and can be booked by calling Ms Wolven on 01386 852211.

The luncheon will raise money for Worcester's St Richard's Hospice, which over the past year has cared for almost 1,500 patients with life-threatening illnesses in South Worcestershire.

The hospice is currently campaigning to raise funds for a new £5.25m building near the Countryside Centre, due to be open by 2006.