I took my eight year old daughter to watch the veterans parade on sunday, and was very disappointed to see that only a handful of people turned out to give these brave men their support.

The people of this city should show some gratitude to these men who risked their lifes for us.

After all we would'nt be living the lifes we do now if was'nt for the bravery of these men and their fallen comrades.

Parents of today should talk to their children and tell them what the veterans went through,to enable us to live like we do today, its an important part of our history.

They in turn can tell their children, so it's never forgotton.

I would like to say a big thankyou to the veterans, I for one appreciate the way you layed down your life for queen and country.

And a big thankyou to George Atkinson for taking the time to talk to my daughter about the war.

She hasn't stopped talking about it since, and i plan to take her to see Mr Atkinson in the future as he kindly invited her to watch his videos on the war.

Mrs J Cooper
