STAFF at the Hartlebury-based bakery supplier, Rich Products, celebrated the 60th anniversary of their American parent company this week with a visit from a very special guest.

Robert Rich senior, the firm's 91 year old founder, dropped into the UK factory on the Hartlebury Trading Estate as part of a special round-the-world whistlestop tour of all Rich's 18 global subsidiary companies. Mr Rich founded the company in 1945 with the creation of the world's first non-dairy cream whip topping. It is now a multi-billion dollar global business employing more than 6,500 workers.

Following tours of the cookie factory and the development kitchen, the UK team organised a celebratory lunch in a marquee.

Mr Rich then went on to present special awards to long serving members of the team - some who have been with the company for 15 years - and he also took the opportunity to present the factory with a thank-you gift of funds to redesign the canteen area.

"We feel proud to have met the entrepreneur who heads our international family," said Simon Turpitt, Rich's UK managing director.