AN annual awards scheme to recognise the hard work and efforts of Worcestershire and Herefordshire businesses has again been launched.

The fourth Chamber Awards are now taking place and nominations are being sought before the cut-off date of Friday, June 10.

Organised every year by the Chamber of Commerce Here fordshire and Worcestershire, the annual awards will culminate in a gala dinner in Worcester Cathedral, on Thursday, July 21.

Awards will be given in seven different categories. These are: Business of the Year, Skills and Workforce Development, Business Commitment to the Community, Entrepreneur of the Year, Export Business of the Year, Innovation through Technology and Most Promising New Business.

Christine Jones, chief executive of the Chamber of Commerce, Herefordshire and Worcestershire, said the awards encapsulated everything the Chamber of Commerce stood for - economic prosperity, success, innovation and growth.

"Winners will have made a significant contribution to, and measurable impact on, the local economy," she said. "Winning companies and organisations will have impacted on the economy through creating new jobs, exploiting new markets, developing new products or technologies, and committing to training and development.

"Maintaining economic growth and our competitive advantage is what is going to give the two counties a secure future," Ms Jones said. "The Chamber Awards recognise this and reward companies for their contribution."

The awards are open to companies with less than 400 employees, not just chamber members, and firms can be of any size and any sector.

Chamber members will automatically be entered into the national British Chambers of Commerce Awards and the chance to win £25,000.

Companies can enter more than one category but entries must be on nomination forms, which can be requested by calling Samantha Dubique at the Chamber on 0845 6411535.