PLANTS that provide nectar in the summer and seeds in the winter are included in a garden designed to attract wildlife.

It is the Lush Garden being created for the Wildlife Trusts by designer Steve Hall for the Chelsea Flower Show.

Inspired by orchard and meadow landscapes, it has a pool, log piles for insects, fruit trees, nest boxes, a compost area, an archway made of gnarled roots and a cedar wood cabin with a roof of living plants.

"A beautiful garden is really enhanced by visiting butterflies, bees, frogs and birds," said Kate Thomas, of the Worcestershire Wildlife Trust.

"Wildlife adds life and interest and it only requires a little thought to include the plants, flowers and a pond or log pile to create a wildlife-friendly haven.

"I hope Worcestershire visitors to Chelsea will search out the Wildlife Trusts garden and come back inspired to make space for wildlife in their own gardens."

Those unable to visit the Chelsea Flower Show, from May 24 to 28, can see a daily diary of progress on the garden, with details of the plants chosen, at