A MAGAZINE has been launched to help ramblers get out and enjoy the parks and countryside on their doorsteps.

Enjoy Worcestershire's Parks and Countryside features more than 100 guided walks, events and activities taking place at urban parks, countryside sites and in the wider countryside.

The magazine - produced by Worcestershire County Council on behalf of the Worcestershire Liveability Partnership - also contains articles, maps and listings of urban parks, picnic places, country parks and other countryside sites. The publication is funded by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, the county council and Worcestershire's six district councils.

"This magazine is an exciting step forward for Worcestershire's open spaces," said Phil Merrick, chairman of Worcestershire's Live ability Partnership.

"It shows the huge range of natural and historic attractions in the county and inspires the reader to explore them."

The free magazine is available from countryside centres, County Hall in Spetchley Road, Worcester, tourist centres, and the Countryside Service on 01562 710025.

It can also be downloaded at www.worcestershire.gov.uk/countryside.