A MYSTERY campaigner has launched a crusade to stop late-night drinking at a Worcester nightclub which wants to serve until 4am.

Bamboo, off Tybridge Street in Worcester, is already licensed to stay open until 4am, but must stop serving alcohol at 2am. Now the club has applied to continue selling drinks until closing time.

But neighbouring households in St John's have received anonymous flyers asking residents to oppose Bamboo's plans.

It says: "Have you been disturbed recently by noisy revellers returning home at night? It could get worse. Write your letter of objection now!

Bamboo has denied claims that its customers behave badly at closing time, but St John's residents, particularly those in Hylton Road and Henwick Road, who have long suffered from the behaviour of drunken revellers walking home say they are fed up of Worcester's booze culture.

Len Idon, of Hylton Road, who was awoken by a group of youths at 3am this morning, said it would bring more revellers out of the city centre: "People may leave town and go to Bamboo for a few drinks there because it's selling alcohol for longer."

"These kids seem to go out and get as much liquid down them as they can."

But Bamboo's director Steve Cass criticised the campaigner for sending out the letters anonymously.

"If this person wants to speak to me and deal with the issues raised I would be willing to do that," he said.

Mr Cass said if the licence, expected to apply to the weekend, is granted it does not mean alcohol would be sold until 4am every day.

"It depends if we have any people staying on," he said.

He said that in the past eight years the club has not received any complaints about the way it is run and he would ban any person found to be causing trouble after leaving Bamboo.

Hairstylist Amy Voyce, aged 18, from Comer Road, supports the extension.

"I suppose noise does happen but I don't see it a lot," she said. "The club is in an isolated area."

lIf you are the person who has distributed the letters please call Sundeep Kumar, patch reporter for St John's, on 01905 742255.