I would like to thank Mr Margrett for his voluble support for park-and-ride, "Favourite moan back" (Tuesday, May 10), and for demonstrating the efficacy of my words in, "Park-and ride-folly goes on and on," (Saturday, April 23), in which I said: "I have to conclude that the people advocating park-and-ride don't have a clue what they are talking about."

Park-and-ride, as a traffic reduction strategy, is an unmitigated disaster, spawned by incompetents, who have become so dazzled by dogma that they wouldn't recognise prudent public expenditure if they fell over it.

That is why those responsible for it can't defend its lunacy in public debate.

And it explains why £250,000 of council taxpayers money is now being poured down the drain annually, to pay for the losses now being incurred, each year, by Labour's monument to stupidity at Perdiswell.

