I would like to thank the Conservative MEP Philip Bushill-Mathews for putting me straight about the way the EU Directive on vitamins and minerals was drawn up.

I am pleased that he feels it is an important issue when hundreds of vitamin forms are set to be banned because of EU bureaucracy and the enthusiasm of the Labour Party in adopting this directive.

If only Worcester MP Mike Foster felt the same. Despite engaging in correspondence with Mr Foster on this topic for some months, he has yet to produce any evidence that those vitamins to be banned are unsafe, which was the reason we were told it was going to happen.

I am also delighted that Mr Bushill-Mathews rightly feels this is important enough for a public debate before the EU and the Labour Party stop people buying their favourite vitamins.

In the meantime we should all reflect that this is yet another example of Brussels telling us what to do. I love Europe as much as the next man, however, I object to all these laws and interference with our lives. The British public never in law agreed to this.

Why during the election campaign did all major political parties avoid talking about Europe; the issue that dares not speak its name? Would it be because the issue is so divisive within their own ranks as well as with the electorate?

I was left feeling the election was fought on a narrow front with debates on comparatively minor issues, rather like the analogy of shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic.

David Barrie
