I ADMIRE the people of Droitwich who have made a successful valiant effort to save their Lido from the bulldozers.

So much of our past has been destroyed by our councils whose efforts to do so will long be remembered in time to come with disbelief at the destruction of places we should hold dear and never destroy.

What will they think of our representatives who had the historic and irreplaceable Lychgate burnt to ashes, or indeed, the Public Hall... vandalism on a grand scale!

I advise everyone to fight for what they believe in. Don't give in. When my chosen area was put under threat by a supermarket proposal and they wanted to destroy the oldest and most lovely tennis club in the city and root out three historic pine trees I dug my heels in.

For about two weeks I stationed myself in a local store and collected more than 4,000 signatures. I may not win my war but the planners knew they'd been in a battle!

I well remember trying to save the site of the original Worcester Pearmain apple which still grew in a St John's garden and tried to interest the local authorities in saving the site and a small cottage as a monument to a famous local achievement. A councillor was sent to see me and tried to make me understand that the cash they would get for the site was needed for a local road.

I asked him who he thought our descendants would revere, me for trying to save our local history, or the council for destroying it? He walked away, he had no answer!

Droitwich should be proud of the people who make up the group aptly called Salt.

They can sit on my table at anytime. Their efforts are a great credit to them and to the Lido.

