HOPES for a community garden to be created in an area of Worcester remain high, despite a funding shortfall of more than £10,000.

The project for the corner of Southfield Street and Westbury Street in the Arboretum is expected to cost more than £15,000.

The Arboretum Residents' Asso-ciation has so far raised about £2,500 from its own fund-raising activities.

It is waiting to hear if grant applications to B&Q and the Lottery have been successful. A recent application to HBOS bank (the newly-merged Halifax and Royal Bank of Scotland) was rejected.

Bob Tannahill, the association's chairman, said work had been pencilled in to start in October or November of this year, which gives them until then to raise the funds.

"We are still hopeful that we will get the money," said Mr Tannahill. "If anyone wants to make a donation we'd be happy to accept it."

The group has already received one quote for the cost of the work, which will be discussed at a group meeting in two weeks' time.

The council has already started to clear the site with the removal of a tree.

Donations can be made by calling the association's vice-chairman Sheila Elkins on 01905 24513.