DON'T be surprised if you see a few teachers and students walking around the two counties today with more than the usual spring in their steps.

And it is not simply because, according to our story on Page 13, today is the happiest day of the year.

It is more likely to be down to Hereford and Worcester sixth form colleges coming out on top in the latest schools performance tables.

Independent consultants have assessed the nation's A-level results and the colleges have proved their worth by coming fifth and 22nd out of 560 across the entire country.

Of course, statistics and tables never give the full story. There is always a lot more going on within any educational institution than merely exam results - which reflect the sort of pupils admitted, not the excellence of the teaching.

However, these latest figures are 'value-added' - meaning they have tracked the improvement of the students over time, rather than just gauging the end product of a few hours in an exam hall. This latest review compared the A-level results of students with their GCSE starting grades and gave a score for performance in every subject.

The impressive results for the colleges come just a week after a glowing Ofsted report praising Worcester College of Technology's high standards.

So, some of our students can afford a few smiles in the sunshine today - well done to them, and their teachers.