AN accident blackspot should be made safer for drivers thanks to major road improvements about to be carried out.

A corner of the A4133, between Droitwich and Ombersley has been the site of numerous crashes and Worcestershire County Council is taking action.

The road will be closed to all through traffic between the A449 slip road and the Haye Lane junction for up to two weeks from Tuesday, May 31 to allow workers to re-build the corner, near Haye Farm.

Network control manager Jon Fraser said: "Over the last two-and-a-half years there have been four recorded accidents where people were injured, although we are aware that there have been numerous other accidents where only cars were damaged, even though these have gone unrecorded."

Mr Fraser said the council would be killing two birds with one stone by undertaking maintenance work along the stretch at the same time, removing the need for further closures.

"Works had originally been planned for an earlier date, but due to major works on the A449 this has been impractical as it would have added to the disruption," he added.

The kerb will be raised and the carriageway will be reconstructed to help drivers to negotiate the corner.

With favourable weather conditions, it is hoped that the work might be completed within the first week to minimise the disruption to the parents of pupils attending Ombersley Endowed First School.

Alternative routes for traffic will be in place via the A449, A4536 Hurst Lane and the A38.