THE brother of an epileptic woman who drowned in the bath has criticised the support home where she lived.

Carol Hughes died after having a fit at the supported-living accommodation in Evesham.

At an inquest, care workers at the School Road home said Miss Hughes told them she wanted to have a bath later that day, promising to let them know when.

The 54-year-old always had to inform them first so they could listen in on an intercom system and react quickly if she suffered a fit.

But when care worker Alice Saville did not get a response on the system she went downstairs to tell Miss Hughes. She called out and after receiving no reply she looked for Miss Hughes and discovered her submerged in the bath.

The intercom was later tested by a police officer and was working.

Assistant deputy coroner Dr Nigel Garbutt said the device would have reduced the risk, but not eliminated it.

"I believe patients can have a fit without making a great deal of noise and commotion," he said.

"The intercom wasn't working for some reason. The staff were using the systems they had been taught to use and at their level they couldn't really have done any more," he said.

He recorded a verdict of accidental death.

Mrs Hughes' brother, Kevin Hughes, aged 50, of Green Hill, Evesham, said there should have been more safeguards to ensure his sister's safety.

"I feel terribly let down," he said.

Steve Scown, of New Era Housing Association, which runs the accommodation, said: "Staff and management were very saddened by the death of Carol Hughes, who had lived at the address for nine years, and enjoyed a good quality of life during her time there. We accept the verdict of the coroner and once again offer our deepest sympathies to the family."