I AGREE with the comments made in a recent letter from Mick Ball regarding the preferential treatment of former MG Rover workers.

I work in the insolvency profession and over the past six years I have seen, and personally made, hundreds of workers redundant through no fault of their own. However, I am not aware of any of these people having their council tax and rent payments deferred or having Job Centre staff reserve jobs just for them.

I for one am getting a little tired of hearing the constant moaning of former MG Rover workers regarding the fact that they may in the future lose up to ten per cent of their pensions, the fact that they have had to make do with statutory redundancy payments, and worst of all the fact that potential employers do not seem to be approaching them to offer them jobs! The time has come for these people to accept the situation, stop moaning and go out and find new employment. Perhaps the fact that have spent too long in the comfort zone in overpaid jobs means they lack the required motivation!

Chris Stephens

Royal Worcester Crescent, The Oakalls