I WOULD like to respond to the letter from Arthur Bridle - 'Kids Need Stuff To Do' (Advertiser, May 11).

I accept there is a lack of provision of facilities listed, gyms, coffee shops, bowling alleys, discos etc, but since when has that been my responsibility as the local councillor?

In my election leaflet for the county council election, I was making the point that if elected I would be able to influence decisions on the provision of after school activities.

Youngsters gathered on street corners has ever been the case despite facilities on offer. As for hanging about in playgrounds, is that not what they are for?

I would remind Mr Bridle that Catshill has a thriving successful youth club with football and other sports activities, the 20/20 group has been funded to the tune of £100,000 to provide additional facilities which will include a skate board park and new and refurbished children's play areas, amongst other schemes for the benefit of Catshill residents.

Generally, perhaps he would be better served by persuading youngsters to make use of those facilities already provided.

Also there are the Dolphin Centre and the new Artrix Centre in Bromsgrove.

Far from hanging my head in shame, I will stand tall and proud of my achievements over the past two years on behalf of the residents of Catshill.

Geoff Hulett, Catshill councillor

Chadcote Way, Bromsgrove