WHERE is the incentive to use public transport?

We are all aware of the environmental benefits in using buses and trains to get around rather than travelling by car.

However, in a town where the train station is not close to the centre, and the only feasible way of reaching it is by car, Bromsgrove District Council, unlike most other councils, sees fit to charge motorists for parking in the station car park.

To compound matters, the ticket machine does not take bank notes or credit cards and there is no attendant to pay - so the well-meaning but unsuspecting motorist has the option of missing their train or incurring a fine.

Is this really the way to encourage the use of public transport? And am I the only motorist sick of paying back-door taxes for the privilege of shopping at my local supermarket, or catching a train?

Mark Bromhall

Pavilion Gardens

Woodland Grange
