THE May meeting, chaired by president Barbara Maskell, was given over to discussion of the two resolutions to be presented at the June AGM at the Albert Hall.

The first on farmgate milk prices: 'This meeting urges all WI members to do all in their power to raise public awareness of the unfair difference between the retail price of milk and the price paid to farmers,' was explained by Elizabeth Mountford. The second: 'This meeting calls on WI members to take further action to reduce waste and conserve resources in their homes and communities to lobby manufacturers, retailers and decision makers to reduce waste in the production, packaging and transportation of public and consumer goods' was 'explained' by Christine Hickman-Smith.

The resolutions were discussed by members receiving contributions from the floor, and both received unanimous votes in favour.

Prior to the resolutions discussion, members were reminded to support the Food, Flower and Craft Day at the Ramada Jarvis Bewdley on May 23.

Two days have been arranged - the first at Rosabel Needham's tomorrow (Thursday) at 2pm - 'planting your own containers.' Secondly, at Christine Hickman-Smith's on June 14 at 2pm.

This will be an embroidery class. Bridget Smalley is holding a tea party on June 23, it will include a raffle and bring and buy (proceeds to the Acorn Hospice).

After the completion of business matters, social time followed with refreshments. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, June 1 in the village hall at 7.30pm when Mrs Joy Pinder will describe her lunch with the Queen.