A BARNT Green man waiting for a kidney transplant has found out a hospital will foot the bill itself for the vital operation.

Alan Vaughan, of Sandhills Road, was due to have a pioneering operation by receiving one of his mum's kidneys. Part of a kidney was destroyed by a rare virus when he was 18.

Margaret had thought she had been ruled out of helping Alan because she is a different blood type. But last month they were offered a lifeline by a new transplant procedure that allows people with different blood groups to donate and receive organs.

The decision on whether to fund the operation, as there were additional costs involved, was due to be made by West Midlands Specialised Services Group on behalf of primary care trusts. But there were doubts over this funding. So now University Hospital, Birmingham, has said it will find the money from its own budget.

A spokesman said: "As it is a specialised operation a decision hadn't been made on funding. But we feel as Alan is our patient we should find the money ourselves."

When the family heard funding for the operation was uncertain Alan's girlfriend Kelly Hollier, a student nurse from Walsall, launched an internet appeal for people to buy the couple "happiness" on auction site eBay.

She said: "I was desperate to do something to help Alan when we found out the news. So I decided I would try and raise some of the cash on eBay. People can buy slices of happiness for as little as 23p each. Since launching the site on Thursday I've raised £327, which is fantastic."

Kelly added: "I know I am not likely to raise the full amount but all cash helps and it raises awareness that the operation is needed."