So the county council has lost its second portfolio holder for education in four months. The first, June Longmuir, was voted out by her colleagues and her replacement, Andrew Roberts, was voted out by the people of Worcester when they failed to

re-elect him.

As a parent of a child at Thornton House Special School, earmarked for closure by the LEA, I, along with other parents, am very worried and concerned about what the future holds for our very vulnerable children and we have lost confidence and trust in the ability of the LEA to get things right.

I want to use this opportunity to send out a heartfelt plea to the Conservative-dominated county council to urge them to ensure that this time when they choose a replacement for Mr Roberts they choose someone who has a background in education and who has the trust of parents.

We feel that, of all county councillors, Tom Wells is the person for the job. He has been fair and listened to parents' concerns and we feel that with him at the helm we may at last be on course.

The cabinet has said that they want the best for our children. I would therefore urge that they look to who is best for the job and not just focus on who is in their political party.

Carol Johnson,

Parent governor, Thornton House School