KEN and Toni Whittaker entertained us with their usual mixture of knowledge and light-hearted repartee.

Madeira is a beautiful Island and brought to life by Ken in April. On May 25 there will be a plant sale from 8pm at St Saviour's Church Hall. Visitors are welcome.

We are in for a real treat on June 22 when Christine Peer visits us with plants from her garden. This is a must not only for garden lovers but also for those interested in flowers for arranging. Christine is a florist but don't think this is a flower demonstration - it's not. She is a delight to listen to and will tell you all about the flowers she brings and stories behind their introduction. We have waited three years for an available date for her to visit our club because she is so popular on the circuit.

Reminder - the Village Show is on September 3 - the more entries, the more successful and interesting the show will be.

Visitors are always welcome. You don't have to be a gardener to join us for friendly evening with a gardening theme - 8pm at St Saviour's Hall, West Hagley.